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CIZETA - 100 % facut in Italia

CIZETA este o companie care operează de peste 30 de ani, avand in producție o gamă largă de produse: scaune, fotolii, scaune de bar și alte tipuri de sezuturi. Experienta noastra dovedita este ceea ce dă brand-ului nostru fiabilitatea sa, disponibilitate și flexibilitate. CALITATEA este cu toate acestea ceea ce ne distinge cu adevărat de competitorii nostri: calitatea lemnului pe care il selectam, cercetarea noastra orientata spre dezvoltarea de noi modele, produsele noastre confectionate cu grija, atentia noastra la detalii și servicii pentru clienți. Suportul nostru pentru client este fondat pe principiul de a menține un personal calificat, care este întotdeauna disponibil pentru a satisface nevoile chiar și celor mai pretentiosi clienti.

Puterea noastra sta in capacitatea noastra de a imbina mașini și echipamente high-tech cu cele mai bune mestesuguri traditionale. Această combinație de cunoștințe vechi și tehnici moderne este fundamentul pe care ne-am construit reputația noastră, cu mândrie.

EVOhoreca este importator si distribuitor autorizat CIZETA - Italia

Cizeta's story began over 35 years ago and has always been linked to the production of chairs, along a continuous path of growth and research. Its collection has been constantly evolving, always offering new models, and currently provides a very comprehensive offer in terms of style, setting and use. Especially dedicated to the contract sector, Cizeta's chairs are protagonists of countless interior design projects and are appreciated for their aesthetic, qualitative and functional features.

Combination of crafmanship and advanced technology

Cizeta's quality starts from the choice of the wood, coatings and other materials, and then involves all production stages. Craftsmanship, industrial experience and technological research merge into products that provide superior strength and durability, thanks to unique construction techniques, specifically designed to accommodate the necessary aesthetics with the functional and technical qualities of the finished product. Many products are also subjected to severe tests by Catas, one of the leading quality institutions in the wood and furniture sector.

100% Made in Italy

Right from the start, Cizeta has completely manufactured its products in San Giovanni al Natisone, in a territory where the woodworking industry and the chair sector have a long tradition. All stages of production take place within few kilometers, under the direct control of the company's team, in ethical and sustainable workplaces. Typically Italian is also the design culture, characterized by a harmonious blend of aesthetic and functional research, accompanied by such an attention to detail that makes each creation unique.

Respect for the environment in which we live

Wood is a living, warm and natural material that should be managed with intelligence and a sense of environmental responsibility, not to endanger the precious forestry resources of the entire planet. Cizeta products only use wood from controlled regrow forests certified by FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council), in line with international "green building" standards. This is accompanied by constant attention to the environment, also within the factory: from energy efficiency to waste management and the ecological recycling of wood scraps. 

Suport clienti Luni - Vineri: 08 - 16:30; Sambata - Duminica: Inchis

0728993388 0216670396

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